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One of the functions in the script decides what character to use for representing food on the grid. This function also happens to occasionally print characters of the flag. Exploit this function to retrieve the entire flag.


Unlike the other problems, we are served with a .pyc instead. To make matters slightly more challenging, this .pyc has been compiled with an older version of Python - Python 2.7 to be more specific. Fortunately, uncompyle6 can decompile bytecodes of the older Python 2.7 as well. You can find the decompiled code here.

If you try running the executable, you will be met with an ImportError. The cause of this error is the missing curses package which can be downloaded separately from here. Unpack the .pyd files into <your Python 2.7 directory>/Python27/Lib/curses. After fetching the necessary dependencies, you can then successfully run the executable.

(Remember that you cannot run the executable in Python 3 even if you adjust the syntax to make it compatible with Python 3. This is because the script attempts to marshal some base-64 strings into values to be used in the script. Attempting to make these conversions in Python 3 will not work since they will not be correctly marshalled due to version mismatches).

Once the executable launches successfully, you will be thrown into a game of Snake. After playing the game for some time, you will notice that the food sometimes appears as $ signs and at other times as some other character. These characters are almost certainly characters from the flag. A more keen eye will also notice that the food always spawns as a non dollar sign character whenever the snake’s length is a multiple of 5.

The script contains many functions that are used to operate the game. One function in particular handles the spawning of food and its name is a3(). It accepts an integer argument and returns the character that will represent the food. We can exploit this by writing a separate script with the functions copied over for our use. The exploit is shown below.

a3 = ll('eJw10EtLw0AUBeAzTWLqo74bML8gSyFdiotm40rEZF+kRyVtCGKmqzar/nHvHBDmfty5c+fBrB2A\niUVuUVkMG4MOnIARGIMJeAKm4BQ8Bc9UsfwcvABn/5VL8Aq81tINeAveKb/Hd47R4WDDTp5j7hEm\nR4fsoS4yu+7Vh1e8yEYu5V7WciffZCl/5UpW8l162cuF3Mq1fJSUY5uYhTZFRvfZF+EvfOCnU89X\ngdATGFLjafBs+2e1fJShY4jDomvcH1q4K9U=\n')
for i in range(0, 26 * 5, 5):
    print(a3(i), end='')

The flag generated is HTB{SuP3r_S3CRt_Sn4k3c0d3}


Decompiled bytecode

# uncompyle6 version 3.8.0
# Python bytecode 2.7 (62211)
# Decompiled from: Python 3.8.0 (tags/v3.8.0:fa919fd, Oct 14 2019, 19:37:50) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
# Embedded file name: ./snake_obf.py
# Compiled at: 2022-01-18 03:46:46
import marshal, types, time, base64

f = open('debug.txt', 'w')


# random
i0 = ll('eJxLZoACJiB2BuJiLiBRwsCQwsjQzMgQrAES9ythA5JFiXkp+bkajCB5kKL4+Mzcgvyikvh4DZAB\nCKKYHUjYFJekZObZlXCA2DmJuUkpiXaMEKMZGAC+nBJh\n')
# curses
i1 = ll('eJxLZoACJiB2BuJiLiBRwsCQwsjQzMgQrAES9ythA5LJpUXFqcUajCB5kKL4+Mzcgvyikvh4DZAB\nCKKYHUjYFJekZObZlXCA2DmJuUkpiXaMEKMZGADEORJ1\n')
# curses invokation for window
f0 = ll('eJxLZmRgYABhJiB2BuJiXiBRw8CQxcCQwsjQzMgQrAGS8ssEEgwaIJUl7CAiMzc1v7QEIsAMJMoz\n8zTASkBEMUiJTXFJSmaeXQkHiJ2TmJuUkmgHVg5SAQBjWRD5\n')
# getch
f1 = ll('eJxLZmRgYIBhZyAu5gISNQwMWQwMzQwMwRogcT8wWcIKJNJTS5IzIFxmIFGemacBpBjARDE7kLAp\nLknJzLMr4QCxcxJzk1IS7cDKQSoAvuUPJw==\n')
# input related, was trying to find KEY_UP
f2 = ll('eJx1kL1uwkAQhOfOBsxPQZUmL+DOEnWUBghEQQbFIESVglUkY5ECX+lHoMz7Jrt7HCgSOWlGO/rm\n1tbtIwBBY1b9zdYYkEFlcRqiAQoWxaginDJhjcUBijNQy+O24jxgfzsHdTxOFB8DtoqPoK7HPcXn\ngCPFZ1BfcUGsdMA/lpc/fEqeUBq21Mp0L0rv/3grX/f5aELlbryVYzbXZnub7j42K5dcxslym7vu\nJby/zubrK1pMX9apPLOTraReqe9T3SlWd9ieakfl17OTb36OpFE/CDQDE5vHv7K/FKBNmA==\n')
f3 = ll('eJxVj00KAjEMhV+b8Q9040IZT9C9WxHEvRvBC1iFUhhk2sUIIwgexLWn1KQzI9qSl/DlhaZHDSDj\nII4tR3ix1IBVyK1GXitImt/0l1JDSSih1rAZfIZyI4x9BRIkeKA8SLeF1Dl9clIHG+c9OakdZ35O\nT/o+yiciZI2Hgvpt702Pt925Nx/HFZwSGbIYqaL87FS5aKSIgi5JbZR/F1WTrkZmk4QByypE64p1\nap6X4g8LaaoZ3zFGfzFVE/UBTuovhA==\n')
# tried to append
f4 = ll('eJw1zDsKgEAMBNCJilb2drZ7AEuxsbfxBOIHFFkWNqWdF3eyYJEXkgxZcwB/jazYkkdwUeAVCAcV\nW3F4MjTt7ISZyWVUS7KEsPtN7cW9e2ddLeKTIXk7gkSsSB91O/2g9uToLBELO0otH2W6Ez8=\n')
f5 = ll('eJxdjr0OwjAMhM9J+as6M7HTF0AsiKV7F54ACJUKVaiSjOnEi2MbISQGf4rtu3OuMwBSBVfDFQdG\nBhzwMAgNMsER1s58+wJ3Hlm4Ai/z33YGE+A1IrNljnBBtiLYT1ZSf2sr6lMt19u+ZPYQkGDJqA0j\nycfap7+lBT/C2bveJ/UkEQ7KqByTGMbPKNQSpojiPMTEzqNKup2aKlnShramopJW5g2ipyUM\n')
f6 = ll('eJxdjTEOglAQRB98iMbEKxhLbkBjaLSwsrHWBEUJCRKULTT5VFzc3W9nMS+zk93ZqwNS1UK1VQ17\nRQ0CVcQUsTvljO4vWjEmSIRP8A4PXn3MlHKOea4DlxyzWMsOjXUHK/bpVXb1TWy855kF2gN9SPo2\nDD9+At8Zdm4YZorNIFXTFTI335aPS1UWtie28QV3xx4p\n')
f7 = ll('eJxtjz8LwjAQxV/S1mrRxcnZKat/qyAuOrv0E4ilIJRS2hsUCg7OfmcvubZTIe/97nKPcHkEADpd\nWPWPjYCGj0Kj0fjIfHwVqiWIbzxbJ6SHEleQ1yf8ocQHFLSJqgKN+nTYVUUEGndNCiRG8UY3M7F7\nabb7TrAS7AVrQSw4CDaCreBo7CfJPvdy/nZeummZuyY3bHBWh2ynmtJncXaRLLaJem6HaqGiVlMV\n6Zn+Azn/L1k=\n')
f8 = ll('eJwljr0KAkEMhCf3o2hrIb7BlWIhFiKC1jYWViKHe+qKnHob0GKt7sVNcsV8ZDeTSc45gJ5oINqI\nwkkQgTvQAvRdgwmO0BK2xxl+uTUTxBwugUtxT8EZIiHKZ4o21dZE7FLRe4yD+nMLixlchvG+0KU7\nPxR6EVjhSVDoKazt86MqG6uasr5WrI3SucCNbJPEp685keIy576aqktThVs3r0kf48s8r4c9Ogaj\nL3SnIej8MrDz9aqLXJhPzwMNaURT4R/aUC0X\n')
# prints '+'?
# prints '#'?
# accepts an integer and prints the corresponding character of the flag
a3 = ll('eJw10EtLw0AUBeAzTWLqo74bML8gSyFdiotm40rEZF+kRyVtCGKmqzar/nHvHBDmfty5c+fBrB2A\niUVuUVkMG4MOnIARGIMJeAKm4BQ8Bc9UsfwcvABn/5VL8Aq81tINeAveKb/Hd47R4WDDTp5j7hEm\nR4fsoS4yu+7Vh1e8yEYu5V7WciffZCl/5UpW8l162cuF3Mq1fJSUY5uYhTZFRvfZF+EvfOCnU89X\ngdATGFLjafBs+2e1fJShY4jDomvcH1q4K9U=\n')

a5 = ll('eJxNzTELwjAQBeCXS4r6TzKJP6DUgruLq0s1S7BKIRkqJP/dd3Hp8D4ex3H3NAA6xjEXJo2kAHeH\nalAF1aI6FINg8BIsZxTZdM5lM2/95i2PXCNBPBCvzeubLOR4yvp2bX6bS3P+LyppR/qUQ/wMea99\nnt6PMA26l/SKxQ/XGxky\n')
a6 = ll('eJwlzLsKwkAQheF/L0afw2qr4AOENOnT2NpEgyDGENgtFHbfPTNrcT6G4cw8DHCQeMkgiWchw81T\nDMVSHMWTDdnytGTHu+Ea9G4MAkHPkxXaS9L1t/qrbtXlX1TiUehiml9rn046L9PnPk+99qJ+cewN\nxxM9\n')
a7 = ll('eJwlzLEKwjAQxvF/rhF9jk6Zig8gXdy7uLq0FqFYRUiGFpJ39y4O34/j+O4eDjhovOaqia2S4e4p\njiKUhuLJjiw8hex5Cbdgd0NQCHaeROnOydZbda9+q+u/aMSjcolpXj59Otm8ju9pHnvrRfvS8AMM\nqhM6\n')
a8 = ll('eJxLZmRgYABhJiB2BuJiPiBRw8CQwsgglsLEkM3EEKzBDBTyy2QFkplAzKABJkCaSkBEjgZcsJgd\nSNgUl6Rk5tmVcIDYOYm5SSmJdmDFIBUAVDAM/Q==\n')
m0 = ll('eJw1jTELwjAUhC9Jq/0VzhldBAfr4u7i6mYpFFSKCXRJp/7x3rsi5L5Avnsvrx0AS8PcmNQSGSg8\nDsWjBJQKS42nxwzMQSog09b/gsrs9AGP6LjhHr3tMfSn7TpH+yebfYtJHGXH7eknTpGAkPbEJeVu\n+F5V/Bw1Wpl0B7cCYGsZOw==\n')
m1 = ll('eJw1zUEKAjEMBdCfdMQreIRuRwU3Mhv3bjzCDAOCitCAm7rqxU1+cZGX0v408wbAvy5e5eQYUAUm\nqAnNHdASvsJLhSVUBpryoPG6Km5ZfPaah/hBnXXf29jbsbdDjl0W2Tdd6IN+6JwdkLJ1zsWW+2vi\n/HOMRIklkJ38AF2QGOk=\n')
m2 = ll('eJxNjj8LAjEMxV96fz+Fk0NHdT5c3F1cD5c7BEHlsAWXdrov7kuKICS/0LyXpFMP4JcnZrgSEUgM\nQXJIDVKLtcHokAWZKvsVUm0eGjr1rC3GCplBW/03Xpy2hM5bj4sXnjh7p4cUz30pO6+fiKouxtn6\ny8MehcH4MU7GtydgCB0xhDjfX8ey8mAzrYqyka18AW5IIKw=\n')

class imposter_random:
    def randint(self, x, y):
        return 1

def snake(w):
    f.write(str(ll) + ' ' + str(i1) + ' ' + str(f0) + ' ' + str(f1) + ' ' + str(f2) + ' ' + str(f3) + ' ' + str(f4) + ' ' + str(f5) + ' ' + str(f6) + ' ' + str(f7) + ' ' + str(f8) + ' ' + str(a1) + ' ' + str(a2) + ' ' + str(a3) + ' ' + str(a4) + ' ' + str(a5) + ' ' + str(a6) + ' ' + str(7) + ' ' + str(a8) + ' ' + str(a9) + ' ' + str(m0) + ' ' + str(m1) + ' ' + str(m2) + '\n')

    # r = i0()            # random
    r = imposter_random()
    c = i1()            # curses init
    f0(w)               # curses window
    # d = (0, 1)          # direction
    d = (1, 0)
    p = [(5, 5)]        # snake body
    # pl = 1              # snake length
    pl = 5
    # s = 0               # seconds elapsed
    s = 1
    l = None            # location

    # old_pl = pl

    while 1:
        p, d, pl, l, s, w, c, r = m2(p, d, pl, l, s, w, c, r)
        # if old_pl != pl:
        #     pl += 4
        #     old_pl = pl

        f.write(str(r) + ' ' + str(c) + ' ' + str(w) + ' ' + str(d) + ' ' + str(p) + ' ' + str(pl) + ' ' + str(s) + ' ' + str(l) + '\n')

